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Property Legal Description Example: Understanding Legal Property Descriptions

Unveiling the Intricacies of Property Legal Description Example

Property legal descriptions are the key to understanding the boundaries and limits of a property. They provide a precise and detailed account of a property`s location, size, and boundaries, ensuring that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the property in question.

As a law blog enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the intricate details of property legal descriptions. The precision and accuracy required to create these descriptions are truly remarkable. I have spent countless hours researching and exploring different examples to gain a deeper understanding of this crucial aspect of property law.

Real-Life Example

Let`s take a look at a real-life property legal description example to better understand its components and structure:

Description Example
Lot Number Lot 3
Block Number Block 5
Subdivision Name Maplewood Subdivision
County Marion County
State Oregon
Parcel Number 123-456-789

This example provides a clear and concise legal description of a property, including the lot and block numbers, subdivision name, county, state, and parcel number. Each component plays a crucial role in accurately identifying and defining the property.

Importance of Property Legal Descriptions

Property legal descriptions are essential for a variety of legal and real estate transactions. They provide the necessary details to ensure that properties are accurately identified and located. Without precise legal descriptions, confusion and disputes can arise, leading to costly legal battles and prolonged negotiations.

Case Study: The Impact of Accurate Legal Descriptions

In a recent property dispute case, the accuracy of the legal description played a pivotal role in determining the rightful owner of a disputed piece of land. The precise legal description provided by the original property deed ultimately resolved the dispute in favor of the rightful owner, highlighting the critical importance of accurate legal descriptions in property law.

Final Thoughts

As I continue to delve deeper into the world of property law, I am constantly amazed by the level of detail and precision required in property legal descriptions. The example provided showcases the meticulous nature of legal descriptions and their indispensable role in property transactions and disputes. I hope this article has shed light on the importance and intricacies of property legal descriptions.


Property Legal Description Contract

This contract entered date execution parties involved legal description property question.

1. Definitions
1.1 “Property” shall refer to the real estate property located at [insert full legal address of the property].
1.2 “Legal Description” shall refer to the specific technical description of the boundaries and location of the Property as legally registered.
2. Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this contract is to provide a clear and accurate legal description of the Property for the purpose of ownership, transfer, or any legal proceedings related to the Property.
3. Legal Description
3.1 The Legal Description of the Property will be drawn up by a qualified and licensed surveyor in accordance with the laws and regulations governing property boundaries and registrations in the relevant jurisdiction.
4. Representations Warranties
4.1 The Parties represent and warrant that they have the legal authority to enter into this contract and to provide accurate information regarding the Property and its Legal Description.
5. Governing Law
5.1 This contract and its interpretation shall be governed by the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in which the Property is located.
6. Execution
6.1 This contract may executed counterparts, each considered original, constitute agreement.


Top 10 Legal Questions About Property Legal Description Example

Question Answer
1. What is a legal description of a property? A legal description of a property is a detailed way of identifying a specific piece of real estate. It includes information such as the lot number, block number, subdivision name, and metes and bounds.
2. Can a property legal description example be changed? Yes, a property legal description example can be changed through a process called “lot line adjustment” or “property boundary modification.” This typically involves obtaining approval from local zoning authorities and updating official records.
3. How do I find the legal description of my property? You can find the legal description of your property on the deed, property tax records, or through a survey conducted by a licensed surveyor. It important ensure legal description accurate date.
4. What is the importance of a property legal description example? The property legal description example is crucial for identifying and distinguishing one property from another. It provides a precise and unambiguous way of defining the boundaries and location of a property, which is essential for legal and real estate transactions.
5. Can errors in a property legal description example be corrected? Errors in a property legal description example can be corrected through a process known as “reformation” or “correction deed.” This involves filing a legal document to amend the inaccuracies and ensure that the description accurately reflects the intended property boundaries.
6. What are the different types of legal descriptions? The different types of legal descriptions include lot and block descriptions used in subdivisions, metes and bounds descriptions based on boundary measurements and landmarks, and government rectangular survey system descriptions commonly used in public land states.
7. Can a property legal description example be disputed? A property legal description example can be disputed if there are conflicting documents or boundaries, leading to potential property boundary disputes. It is important to clarify any discrepancies through legal means, such as boundary line agreements or litigation if necessary.
8. What I doubts property legal description example? If you have doubts about a property legal description example, it is advisable to consult a real estate attorney or licensed surveyor to review the documents and conduct a survey if necessary. This can help clarify any uncertainties and ensure the accuracy of the legal description.
9. Can a property legal description example be used to identify encroachments? Yes, a property legal description example can be used to identify encroachments by comparing the legal boundaries with physical structures or improvements. This can help determine whether neighboring properties have encroached on the subject property or vice versa.
10. How does a property legal description example affect real estate transactions? A property legal description example is essential for real estate transactions as it accurately defines the property being transferred. It is used in deeds, mortgages, title insurance, and other legal documents to ensure that the property boundaries are clearly defined and legally sound.